pengchao_xie@hust.edu.cn; xiepengchao555@163.com
谢鹏超,男,中共党员,华中科技大学副教授。2009年毕业于华中科技大学给排水科学与工程专业,获学士学位,2009年至2015年就读于哈尔滨工业大学市政工程专业,先后于2011年和2015年获硕士和博士学位,并受国家留学基金委资助于美国杜克大学Mark Wiesner院士组联合培养一年。2015年8月以来工作于华中科技大学bc365,承担了《水质工程学》、《水质工程学实验》、《水工程程序设计》等多门课程的教学任务。目前主要从事饮用水和污废水深度处理理论与技术、城市海绵系统以及膜工艺方面的研究。曾参与多项十一五水专项课题,目前主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、武汉市建委科技项目计划、华中科技大学自主创新基金重点项目等项目。先后在Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Journal of Membrane Science等刊物上发表论文20余篇,获授权专利7项。并担任Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Journal of Membrane Science等多家期刊的审稿人。
导师:Mark R. Wiesner 教授(美国工程院院士)
华中科技大学自主创新基金重点项目,藻源型膜污染在次氯酸盐清洗过程中卤代副产物生成机理研究,2016YXZD070 ,2016—2018,15万(主持)。
国家自然科学基金,UV与UV/过硫酸盐技术对新兴含氮消毒副产物降解的效能与机理研究,51108117,2012 — 2014(参与)。
国家十一五重大专项子课题,高藻、高有机物湖泊型原水处理技术集成与示范——高效气浮技术,2008ZX07421-002-03,2009 — 2011(参与)。
国家十一五重大专项子课题,水源季节性重污染的城市饮用水安全保障共性技术研究与示范——季节性重污染河流水源水质处理关键技术研究与示范,2009ZX07424-006-2, 2009 — 2011(参与)。
国家十一五重大专项子课题,北方寒冷城市饮用水安全保障共性技术研究与示范——寒冷地区地表水中化工有机污染物的催化氧化组合技术与工艺研究,2009ZX07424-005-02, 2009 — 2010(参与)。
Jing Zou, Jun Ma, Liwei Chen, Xuchun Li, Yinghong Guan, Pengchao Xie, Chao Pan. Rapid acceleration of ferrous iron/peroxymonosulfate oxidation of organic pollutants by promoting Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycle with hydroxylamine. Environmental Science and Technology. 2013, 47(20): 11685-11691. (SCI, IF=5.481) ESI高被引论文
Pengchao Xie, Jun Ma*, Wei Liu, Jing Zou, Siyang Yue, Xuchun Li, Mark R. Wiesner, Jingyun Fang. Removal of 2-MIB and geosmin using UV/persulfate: contributions of hydroxyl and sulfate radicals. Water Research. 2015, 69:223-233. (SCI, IF=5.991) ESI高被引论文
Pengchao Xie, Jun Ma*, Jingyun Fang*, Yinghong Guan, Xuchun Li, Siyang Yue, Liwei Chen. Comparion of permanganate preoxidation and preozonation on algae containing water: cell integrity, characteritics and chlorinated disinfection byproduct formation. Environmental Science and Technology. 2013, 47(24): 14051-14061. (SCI, IF=5.481)
Liwei Chen, Xuchun Li, Jing Zhang, Jingyun Fang, Yinghong Guan, Pengchao Xie. Strong enhancement of feton oxidation by addition of hydroxylamine to accelerate the ferric and ferrous iron cycles. Environmental Science and Technology. 2011, 45(9): 3925-3930. (SCI, IF=5.481)
Pengchao Xie, Charles-Francois de Lannoy, Jun Ma*, Zongping Wang, Songlin Wang, Jingjing Li, Mark R. Wiesner*, Improved chlorine tolerance of a polyvinyl pyrrolidone-polysulfone membrane enabled by carboxylated carbon nanotubes. Water Research. 2016, 104, 497-506. (SCI, EI IF=6.942)
Pengchao Xie, Charles-Francois de Lannoy, Jun Ma*, Mark R. Wiesner*. Chlorination of polyvinyl pyrrolidone-polysulfone membranes: Organic compound release, byproduct formation, and changes in membrane properties. Journal of Membrane Science. 2015, 489: 28-35. (SCI, IF=5.557)
Zongping Wang, Jiaqi Ding, Pengchao Xie*, Yiqun Chen, Ying Wan, Songling Wang. Formation of halogenated by-products during chemical cleaning of humic acid-fouled UF membrane by sodium hypochlorite solution. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 332, 76-84. (SCI, IF=6.216)
Pengchao Xie, Yizhou Guo, Yiqun Chen*, Zongping Wang*, Ran Shang, Songlin Wang, Jiaqi Ding, Ying Wan, Wei Jiang, Jun Ma. Application of a novel advanced oxidation process using sulfite and zero-valent iron in treatment of organic pollutants. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 314, 240-248. (SCI, IF=6.216)
Zongping Wang, Yiqun Chen, Pengchao Xie*, Ran Shang**, Jun Ma. Removal of Microcystis aeruginosa by UV-activated persulfate: Performance and characteristics. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2016, 300: 245-253. (SCI, IF=6.216)
Pengchao Xie, Jun Ma*, Wei Liu, Jing Zou, Siyang Yue. Impact of UV/persulfate pretreatment on the formation of disinfection byproducts during subsequent chlorination of natural organic matter. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2015, 269: 203-211. (SCI, IF=5.310)
Jing Zou, Jun Ma*, Xiang Zhang, Pengchao Xie. Rapid spectrophotometric determination of peroxymonosulfate in water with cobalt-mediated oxidation decolorization of methyl orange. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2014, 253(1): 34-39. (SCI, IF=4.321)
Yiqun Chen, Pengchao Xie*, Zongping Wang*, Ran Shang, Songlin Wang, UV/persulfate preoxidation to improve coagulation efficiency of Microcystis aeruginosa. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2017, 322, 508-515. (SCI, IF=6.065)
Yiqun Chen, Pinya Deng, Pengchao Xie*, Ran Shang, Zongping Wang*, Songlin Wang, Heat-activated persulfate oxidation of methyl- and ethyl- parabens: Effect, kinetics, and mechanism. Chemosphere, 2017, 168, 1628-1636. (SCI EI IF=4.208)
Pengchao Xie, Yiqun Chen, Jun Ma*, Xiang Zhang, Jing Zou, Zongping Wang*. A mini review of preoxidation to improve coagulation. Chemosphere. 2016, 155: 550-563. (SCI, EI IF=4.208)
Pengchao Xie, Jingyun Fang, Jun Ma. Effects of potassium permanganate preoxidation followed with coagulation on the fluorescence spectrum of algae. Frontiers of Green Building: Materials and Civil Engineering. 2011, 71-78(1-8): 2920-2924. (EI)
Zongping Wang, Lizhi Huang, Xiaonan Feng, Pengchao Xie, Zizheng Liu. Removal of phosphorus in municipal landfill leachate by photochemical oxidation combined with ferrate pre-treatment. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2010, 22 (1-3): 111-116. (SCI, IF=0.987)
Pengchao Xie, Jingyun Fang, Jun Ma, Yinghong Guan, Xuchun Li, Siyang Yue. Control of algal cells and algal-derived disinfection byproducts by potassium permanganate pre-oxidation. 243rd National Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA, 2012. (SCI)
Jun Ma, Jin Jiang, Xiaoliu Huangfu, Pengchao Xie, Suyang Pang. Permanganate oxidation in water treatment: removal of emerging pollutants, enhanced coagulation and control of disinfection by products. 247th National Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dallas, TX, 2014. (SCI)
Jun Ma, Xiang Zhang, Pengchao Xie, Lizhu Zhang. Preoxidation to enhance the coagulation of surface waters with full scale application. Electrokinetics in Relation to Colloidal Flocculation and Sedimentation, Tsukuba, 2011.
岳思阳,张爱红,谢鹏超*,王宗平,马军. 紫外/PS、紫外/H2O2降解2-MIB和土臭素对比. 中国给水排水. 2016, 32(19), 1-4.
谢鹏超, 岳思阳, 邹景, 马军*. 四种氧化方式对AOC及消毒副产物影响的对比. 中国给水排水. 2015, 31(7): 6-9.
刘爽,牛建森,王宗平,谢鹏超,郑陈炜,傅林. 基于不同基质的绿色屋顶对屋面径流的调控效果研究. 中国给水排水. 2017.
1) 马军,谢鹏超,方晶云,关英红,李旭春,陈丽玮,岳思阳,邹景,一种利用高锰酸钾和钙离子控制藻类氯化消毒副产物生成的方法,ZL 201110281906.1.(发明专利)
2) 马军,谢鹏超,刘伟,李旭春,一种利用微粒石墨复合材料除藻的方法,ZL 201410138372.0. (发明专利)
3) 马军,邹景,谢鹏超,微污染水源三级联用净水方法及所用的沉淀装置,ZL 201010222365. (发明专利)
4) 马军,李旭春,岳思阳,关英红,陈丽玮,谢鹏超,邹景,杨文花,杨一,梯度臭氧催化氧化降解水中有机污染物的方法,ZL 201110197065.6. (发明专利)
5) 马军,邹景,谢鹏超,张剑桥,一种水中过一硫酸盐含量的测定方法,ZL 201310552081. (发明专利)
6)马军,邹景,张剑桥,张翔,谢鹏超,一种利用三价铁催化羟胺与PMS反应去除水中污染物的方法,公开号:CN103523898A. (发明专利)